Denise doesn't mind a little fawning, but an outright fainting might be a bit much...or is it?!

"I am not sure if the Hon. Steven Joyce, the Minister for Science & Innovation, often has this effect on women, but it sure seemed that way last Thursday.
There I was, standing in the assembled crowd at the Auckland Museum, for the opening of the WOW exhibition, which has just launched in Auckland, before its starts its journey around the world on tour, but after the co-founder, Dame Suzie Moncrieff spoke, it was Minister Joyce's turn.
He takes the podium, says a few words, and 'bang' the woman in front of me collapses in a heap on the ground. The Minister stopped talking as the museum staff took charge to help this lady recover, and led her away.
The Minister then continued, and behind me another 'bang' this time a distinct head hitting the floor. I spun around to see another young lady had fainted, again, people gathered, she was brought around, apologising, and someone whispered in my ear "Maybe there is something in the wine!".
In all my years I have seen the odd person faint, but it has been in extreme heat or conditions, but it appears Mr. Joyce has to do no more than stand on stage and speak, to have women around him dropping like flies!
Fast forward to the opening of the exhibition, and a showcase of past winners of WOW. Two were absolute stand-outs for me, the King & Queen cloaks made from ceramic leaves and coins, and the tooled leather equestrian outfit, complete with a horse head, made by an entrant from the UK, who apparently works for the saddlery that make all the leather for the Queen's horses. There is not much these days that has me stopping dead in my tracks, but this entrant blew me away. Check it out at the Auckland Museum now!"
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