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Fashion Revolution Week 2016

 Do you know who made your clothes? Do you know the journey the fabric has encountered, how it was sourced and if the people who created your favourite jeans have been treated fairly?

Fast fashion isn’t free. Someone, somewhere is paying.

On April 24, 2013, 1133 people were killed when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2500 were injured, many left as amputees. The accident was both predictable and preventable. This tragedy was the catalyst for our consumer driven society to finally take notice of the cheap fast moving fashion industry and ask the important question, who made my clothes?!

It’s time for a Fashion Revolution.

April 18th – 24th is global Fashion Revolution Week, this marks the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster but also represents the beginning of a long journey of transformation for the fashion industry as a whole.

Fashion Facts

  • In Bangladesh, garment workers earn $68USD a month, ¼ of the living wage
  • It is estimated that 80 billion items of clothing are produced every year
  • Over 30% of garment workers are medically underweight
  • A quarter of all pesticides used globally are used for cotton production
  • An average t-shirt takes 2,500 litres of water to make, a pair of jeans more than 10,000
  • The apparel industry is the second most polluting industry in the world behind oil
  • According to the Australian Fashion Report in 2015, 91% of companies surveyed did not know where their cotton comes from and 75% did not know the source of all their fabrics.

Here at WORLD Factory of Idea’s and Experiments we are proud to boast our ethical practice. We try keep most of our production in New Zealand where everyone involved gets treated with respect. We appreciate and therefore fabricate a high quality garment that will last in your wardrobe for several years after purchase.

Pictured below is our amazing Workroom Assistant Hannah Shand wearing our Fischer Top in a vibrant cherry floral pinning the final detail to our Yorke Blazer cream spot.


It’s time to use your voice and your power to transform the fashion industry into a force for good. The truth is, fashion can be made in a safe, clean and beautiful way. Where creativity, quality, environment and people are valued equally.



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