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Christchurch this season...

WORLD has been back in Christchurch for almost two years and the way the city has naturally rejuvenated is very exciting and we want make sure that whether you are local or visiting you enjoy all of our favourite spots!!!  Here is a selection for the season ahead:


EAT: Tio Point, Mahurangi or Bluff Oysters, before a Pork Cigar, the Bycroft Rural Lamb, Armagnac Ice Cream and 10 minutes with the cookie Jar at HARLEQUIN PUBLIC HOUSE. 

DRINK: Coriander and citrus zest as part of a hand tended wit bier evoking ancient abbey ales in this local Wheat Beer by THREE BOYS BREWERY.

SLEEP: Overlooking the park in a peaceful setting, yet attached to the CBD, relax in the generous luxury of boutique hotel, THE GEORGE.

SMELL: Everything, that 150 years can conjure as a city evolves around 100ha of gardens, fields , the Avon River and the variety of uses that define the fabled HAGLEY PARK.

TOUCH: $12,000.00 dollars worth of Moorcroft Pottery within BALLANTYNES DEPARTMENT STORE, amongst a treasure of unique collectables.

LOOK: Around New Zealand’s coolest ‘mall’ which was an ingenious response to inner city retailing post-quake, and now with an expanded location RE-START is at its best!

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