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Denise L'Estrange-Corbet - 'I am a canvas!'

Director and Co/Founder of WORLD and WORLD Beauty, Denise L'Estrange-Corbet is one to listen to...especially when she has a skincare insight!!!  


"I always look at the skin like a canvas, there is no point painting a masterpiece onto it, if it is not in tip top condition, and the way to get a flawless complexion is regular exfoliating.

Some exfoliating products, I feel, do more harm than good to the skin, as they contain crushed apricot kernels, which are very rough when rubbed into the skin, and under a microscope, they seem to do more harm than good as they can scratch it quite badly, however, there is a solution!  Aesop's Purifying Exfoliant Paste contains Fine Quartz and Rosemary Leaf, and together, when used gives the complexion a really fresh and smooth texture.
I exfoliate twice a week with this, a small blob on dampened skin, with small circular movements, and you can immediately feel and see the difference.  I also exfoliate my hands and elbows, you will be amazed at how good they look, seriously!
Exfoliating removes all the dead skin cells, and really gives those pores a clean, as make up and the environment can clog the skin, so twice a week, and you will see and feel the difference!!!"

WORLD Beauty Stores exclusively sell the entire Aesop range.  Creating a successful regime is how you can best look after your skin.  If you find this Aesop product works well, perhaps try twice-weekly, applying Parsley Seed Cleansing Masque to meticulously scrubbed skin; this clay-based blend extracts impurities clogging the pores, to smooth and refresh skin. Follow by hydrating with superbly nourishing, anti-oxidant rich Camellia Nut Facial Hydrating Cream to soften and fortify skin; and blend with Damascan Rose Facial Treatment three times weekly to boost benefits.  Join us in store and we can assist you in finding the perfect regime to complement your skin.

Previous article WORLD - Behind the scenes SS16 Shoot


Debbie Dawson - May 28, 2015

Denise for the first time in years I went to a local production.
Six friends went to howick theatre for a night out not one of us even knew the name of the play let alone who was it,
All I can say you were fantastic and the play we loved
Unbelievable thAt you have never acted before.
Well done Debbie

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